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Kindergarten students holding up books

A Path of Inquiry

Since 1953, Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew has illuminated the path of inquiry towards purpose, responsibility, and spirit. Guided by our Episcopal values, Episcopal Day welcomes families from all backgrounds and fosters thoughtful, compassionate citizens of the world. Our dynamic curriculum encompasses a wide variety of academic and specialist courses. Beyond our core curriculum, we offer field studies, maker lab, world language, music, performing arts, and visual arts. Our students are well prepared and attend highly selective independent, boarding, and public high schools.

Pre-Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade

While young children benefit from the mentoring of older students, the older children enjoy opportunities for leadership and responsibility. The connections that develop among students in a pre-kindergarten-to-eighth-grade environment build confidence and allow children to be themselves and take risks in a safe space.

The Value of Community

We instill in students the social and emotional skills for effectiveness in school and in life. Our Responsive Classroom approach ensures consistency across grades and classrooms. School Families and cross-grade student buddies help build relationships across grade levels. These skills powerfully enhance learning.

A Spiritual Foundation

As an Episcopal school, we support the spiritual lives of children in an open and inclusive context. Students begin the day in a welcoming chapel service that builds community and teaches quiet reflection.

Outreach to Others

Through a robust Service Learning program, children experience the value of giving back. Our curriculum and service opportunities reinforce one another, leading to deeper reflection. Students engage in service to local, regional, and global communities, connecting them to a purpose larger than themselves.

Leadership by Example

The legacy of an Episcopal Day education is seen in our graduates: academic skills, self-knowledge, and enduring values – and the confidence to put them to use. We are living our mission every day.

Welcome, From the Head of School

Uniquely Episcopal

Our Mission

Infographic that shows Episcopal Day was founded in 1953, has 306 students, has 48% students of color, 76 faculty and staff members, our faculty has an average of 14 years of experience, 26 sports teams, 98% student participation in sports, 6:1 student to teacher ratio, two world languages (Spanish and Mandarin in 5th-8th grade and Spanish in Pre-K to 4th Grade)