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Uniquely Episcopal

Five female students hugging

Episcopal Day is first and foremost an academic community that inspires students to develop an appreciation for themselves and others. Rooted in Episcopal values of inquiry, respect, service, and compassion, we provide an academically rich education with the goal of empowering students to find their own path and discover their own truth. Striking a powerful balance between reverence for tradition and dedication to progress, teachings rooted in both faith and reason foster open-minded, compassionate leaders who live with profound purpose.

“Our tradition is expressed with many voices, among which are a variety of worship styles, languages, and cultures. Our tradition encourages this diversity. We seek to value the life and story each person brings to the community.”
Reading buddies read together on National Read Across America Day

Students read together in the library with Mrs. Nielsen. 

We Self-Reflect

When we learn from one another and reflect upon our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, and values, we are able to make a commitment to be our best selves for our community. The opportunity to learn from one another and contemplate who we are and how we choose to show up in the world builds accepting, empathetic leaders who propel positive change.

Student high fives a teacher

Class of 2024 alumni, Quinn R., celebrates her Chapel Talk. 

We Gather as a Community

It is a powerful experience to gather together in Chapel as one community of students, faculty, and staff — all of whom bring with them a rich variety of beliefs, some brand new to the experience or practice of religion or spirituality. Chapel gatherings are thought-provoking, age-appropriate, inclusive, and rooted in Episcopal tradition.

Two third grade students learn units of measurement and fractions by baking a pie

Ms. Grieve reads to kindergarten students in their classroom.

We Teach Holistic Values

Our Episcopal values of inquiry, respect, service, and compassion provide a foundation for a lifetime. Students are taught to think critically and ask questions while learning about themselves, each other, and the world around them. In teaching our students how to think and not what to think, they approach learning with curiosity and develop intellectual empathy and compassion.

Episcopal Day families volunteer at the Bayview Mission in San Francisco

Class of 2024 alumni pack lunches for St. Vincent de Paul

We Are Committed to Service 

A key component to an Episcopal education is being of service to our greater community. We teach that the best leaders are those who take time to serve others, and prepare students to be leaders of positive change in the world. Our students develop lifelong habits of service and extend love to our neighbors through grade-level and community-wide service learning projects including beach clean-ups and volunteering at local food banks.

Does my family have to be religious or Episcopal to attend Episcopal Day?

No, in fact, only 10% of our families are Episcopalian. We welcome and affirm students from all faith traditions and those who do not have a background of faith. We engage in inclusive common worship and respect the dignity of every human being.

Our Traditions

The things we remember most about our school days are the friendships, traditions, events, and celebrations.


We come together to self-reflect and feel a sense of connection.

Student Leadership

Student gains the courage for public speaking and self-advocacy.