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Strategic Plan

Kindergarten students holding up books
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Quincey Grieve
Head of School

Dear Episcopal Day Community,

I am grateful for your partnership in imagining the future of Episcopal Day School through the Strategic Plan. It has been a privilege to engage in such a deep process of self study and creation, thinking strategically and expansively about the next chapter for Episcopal Day School.

When we landed on the title “Tradition and Transformation,” we knew we had arrived with the Strategic Plan perfectly fitting for Episcopal Day. We are a school grounded in tradition, guided by the Episcopal devotion to inclusion and belonging. We are a school invigorated by learning and growth. Our Strategic Plan defines our bright future, anchored in our powerful foundation and inspired by creativity, connection, and innovation.

A steering committee of faculty, parents, administrators, and trustees worked closely with Triangle Associates in a year-long process of self study, generative thinking, and priority setting. Phase I of the plan launched in the spring of 2024 with a laser focus on innovation in the academic program. The full Plan was presented to the Board of Trustees and enthusiastically approved in September 2024.

Tradition and Transformation establishes five pillars for our future:

  • Transformative and Purposeful Education

  • Curiosity and Critical Thinking

  • Access and Belonging

  • Stewardship and Strength

  • Core and Community

Now, with Tradition and Transformation as our guidepost, we will joyfully work together to create the future of Episcopal Day School.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. 

Very Sincerely, 



Quincey Grieve                                                                                                                                                                  Head of School                                                                                         

Transformative & Purposeful Education

The Strategic Plan aims to define a curriculum grounded in the humanities, sciences, math and arts, with a clear scope and sequence that prioritizes depth and complexity. The Plan emphasizes building a signature academic program that amplifies students’ voices, and fosters essential skills such as critical thinking, communication and leadership. It also seeks to optimize the school’s longstanding commitment to social justice and service learning.

Curiosity & Critical Thinking

The Plan addresses pedagogical practices, focusing on establishing a universal teaching philosophy and investing in professional development.

Access & Belonging

The Plan underscores the school’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), aiming to make these principles integral to the school’s identity and academic program. By intertwining its Episcopal values with a forward-thinking approach to education, Episcopal Day School aims to create a learning community that is not only academically rigorous but also deeply committed to empathy, compassion, and civic engagement.

Stewardship & Strength

The Strategic Plan outlines goals for sustainable enrollment, financial strength, and facility improvements to support innovative teaching and learning.

Core & Community

The Strategic Plan emphasizes the importance of community engagement, aiming to ensure all stakeholders understand and can articulate the school’s unique mission, values, and educational philosophy.


How the Strategic Plan was Developed

Episcopal Day School engaged with nationally recognized consulting firm, Triangle Associates, to create a structure and guide the community-wide effort. We invited all constituents - students, faculty, professional community, leadership, Trustees, parents/guardians and alumni - to share their experiences, reflections and aspirations for the future. We gathered all community feedback through a variety of different engagement opportunities such as: 

  • An all community retreat
  • Board of Trustees brainstorm and planning sessions
  • A faculty/professional community/leadership meeting                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Middle school student engagements
  • Parent focus groups and individual meetings
  • Survey responses

Our questions ranged from asking about what we are doing well at Episcopal day and where are the areas we need to grow and strengthen. The results of these conversations serve as the essential input for this plan and setting the course of our school. 


Steering Committee

Successful strategic planning is a community-wide effort. Our process was led by a Steering Committee
composed of trustees, parents, faculty, and members of the leadership team. In addition to overseeing the
design, implementation, and completion of the strategic planning process, a primary goal of the Steering
Committee was to ensure that all stakeholders in our community were engaged and invested in this
important work.

Karen Andreacchi, Co-Chair
David Willard, Co-Chair
Quincey Grieve, Head of School

Chaplain Amber Evans
Eric Noeth
Heidi Horn
Kyle Hopkins
Erin Hudec
Mary McCarthy
Tish Scola
Chloe Yu